

Page history last edited by Karen O'Connell Bednarski 10 years, 3 months ago Saved with comment

Alumni1960 Alumni1960 Welcome to Saint Mary, Star of the Sea Roman Catholic Church, the first Roman Catholic parish established in Bayonne, New Jersey in 1861 within the Archdiocese of Newark. Saint Mary's Church, the Mother Church of Bayonne, is the seed from which Bayonne Roman Catholic Parishes grew. Saint Mary, Star of the Sea School was the first Catholic School established in Bayonne from 1879 to 2008.


Saint Mary, Star of the Sea is home of City-Wide PeeWee Basketball which introduces First Grade through Fourth Grade boys and girls from throughout the city to basketball in an organized outdoor court setting. This instructional basketball program is a league of same gender teams, sponsored by local businesses, coached by same gender youth, where each child plays. The league is managed and refereed by adult volunteers.






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