

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 1 month ago

Saint Mary Star of the Sea School

Alumni 2000 -

2000 Ryan Heath Ahern 2000 Christopher Edward Bludgus
2000 Christopher Michael Boyle 2000 Allison Elizabeth Coles
2000 Christopher M Colon 2000 Steven Christopher Creswick
2000 Charles William Dombrowski 2000 Konrad Dudziak
2000 Madelyn Frances Dullea 2000 Christina Garced
2000 Laura Hansen 2000 Christopher David Karulski
2000 Ashley Munoz 2000 Gregory Scott Pagano
2000 Ashley Picker-Dubin 2000 Alannah Rey Potter
2000 Jazmine L Rojas 2000 Andrea Jenney Rylkiewicz
2000 Quincy Thaxton 2000 Tara L Williamson

Alumni who are high school age are not displayed.


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